Mud Hole Journal


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Jumpstart the New Year with Rod Building

Jumpstart the New Year with Rod Building

Well, you made it, 2025 is here! As the calendar resets, we are always flooded with these “New Year, New You” resolutions. There is no reason for a new you, but a new hobby could be fun, right? Sin...

Product NewsBrand Changes at Mud Hole

Brand Changes at Mud Hole

Mud Hole Custom Tackle is proud to be part of the world’s largest supplier of custom rod building and tackle crafting components, supplies, equipment, and instruction, Foundation Outdoor Group.  W...

ComponentsGAHO Delivers Top-Tier, Affordable Carbon Reel Seats

GAHO Delivers Top-Tier, Affordable Carbon Reel Seats

Almost every angler and rod builder is looking for sensitivity, feel, weight reduction, strength, durability, and affordability in their fishing rod - and its components. Check out all the major...


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Choosing the Right All-In-One Rod Kit

Choosing the Right All-In-One Rod Kit

This one is exciting. The release of the latest All-In-One-Kits from Mud Hole. I know there might be a misconception that we just pile some stuff in a box and call it a kit, but that could not be f...

Sticky Situation - All About Adhesives

Sticky Situation - All About Adhesives

For many rod builders the term epoxy gets thrown around a lot. Some might say epoxy, referring to the bonding adhesive when mounting handles and reel seats and they might also say epoxy when talkin...

ComponentsMetal VS Nylon Reel Seats

Metal VS Nylon Reel Seats

As we have mentioned in the past, there are not too many hard and fast rules in custom rod building but from our experience and the experience of those who have come before us we try to pass along ...

Rod Recipes

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FreshwaterWintertime Crappie Fishing Rods

Wintertime Crappie Fishing Rods

With winter gripping most of the northern part of the US, the Southern states are getting their first real cold fronts of the season. For some, that means fishing can come to a grinding halt, but f...

FreshwaterWhat We Are Building At Mud Hole

What We Are Building At Mud Hole

We get to see what you guys are building every day on the Mud Hole Live Rod Builder’s Facebook Group, but what kind of rods are our employees here at Mud Hole Building?  Let’s dive into what builds...

FreshwaterBuilding for Spinnerbaits

Building for Spinnerbaits

As I write this it is fall in Florida. Well, maybe not temperature wise but the wind is blowing, and we are getting the first cold front of the year. For bass anglers, wind usually means one thing....

Tips & Tricks

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Rod HandlesBuilding a Classic - Proper Pistol Grip Assembly

Building a Classic - Proper Pistol Grip Assembly

Fishing and making lasting memories go hand and hand. Many of us cannot tell you what we ate for lunch yesterday but take us back to our childhood fishery and we can recall all our catches!  I reme...

Thread WrapsAll About Underwraps

All About Underwraps

Underwraps are a clean and attractive way to add some protection along with a little bling to any custom rod build. Why do we even consider using and underwrap you might ask. Well, for larger offsh...

Tips to Line Up Your Guides

Tips to Line Up Your Guides

One of the most asked questions across the internet is related to aligning your rods guides during building. Some align one guide at a time before wrapping the next one, some wrap all the guides an...