Choosing the Right All-In-One Rod Kit

Choosing the Right All-In-One Rod Kit

This one is exciting. The release of the latest All-In-One-Kits from Mud Hole.

I know there might be a misconception that we just pile some stuff in a box and call it a kit, but that could not be further from the truth. Teams from multiple departments test how they build a fishing rod, the products used, along with dialing-in ways to keep it fun and ease the learning curve.

Our product team continues to innovate and develope new solutions that make building your next favorite fishing rod easier than ever. From the newly released Core Hand Wrapper to premium components from American Tackle, CRB, and Mud Hole, our customers can trust that every build will result in a high-quality custom rod designed to create lasting memories for years to come.

Introducing the All-In-One Rod Building Kits

So, a common question is, "which kit is right for me?"  Granted, it might seem a bit self explanatory as if you want a fly rod, just get the All-In-One Fly Rod Kit. I want to take things a step further and give some of the highlights of each kit that might not be expected. 

Each kit is carefully chosen, starting with a Mud Hole Color Series Blank for the Spinning, Casting and Fly Rod rod kits, whereas the Ice Rod Kit comes with three MHX blanks. Yes, you get three ice rod kits in the All-In-One Ice Kit. 

All-In-One Ice Rod Building Kit

Although I am speaking about ice fishing from Florida, I think this ice kit is one of the most well thought out and comprehensive kits that we offer. The assembly and parts are a breeze and you will be out on the water, well hard water, in no time. 

A couple of the key points worth mentioning, are the components and setup. As mentioned, we provide three blanks that will cover many of the techniques needed out on the ice. From tungsten jigs tipped with spikes to small hard baits, these are better than just your run-of-the-mill ice blanks. 

Next, the handle setups are precisely selected so there is no need for the reaming of the grips, and we provide a fiberglass handle mounting tube to keep your grips and reel seat from flexing while fighting a fish. All you need is to add are a few arbors, epoxy the handle, and you are ready to wrap guides, add finish, and go fishing! 

All-In-One Casting Rod Building Kit

This one is destined to be a favorite. The blank comes out of the Mud Hole Color Series and is a 7 foot, medium power with a moderate fast action. If it was me, I would call it a tiny bit closer to fast than moderate, but that is just the feel I get when fishing this blank. Also, you might notice it is a two piece rod blank. In 2025, rod technology has come leaps and bounds from what we learned to fish with, and these Mud Hole blanks are no different. These blanks are ultra-strong with a slim ferrule design that I'm willing to bet you wouldn't even notice without me telling you it's a two-piece. I also integrate a guide into my ferrule wrap most of the time, so it fools even the most discerning eye. 

Along with the IS702M, we provide an American Tackle casting seat, full EVA rear grip with matching fore grip, and a set of the lightweight and virtually indestructible SSR Guide Set - also from American Tackle. This rod kit is light years ahead of anything else in the industry as well as most anything you can buy off a sporting goods store rack. As an all around casting rod for freshwater, light saltwater, and one that travels well, it can not be beat.  

All-In-One Fly Rod Building Kit

Here is one near and dear to my heart. I love to fly fish. Whether freshwater, saltwater, any species, it does not matter. One of the things that makes this kit special is the blank. The Mud Hole Color Series 5wt is truly a gem. It is soft enough that any level of caster can enjoy but has just the right amount of reserve power needed to cross off that bucket list fish. Whether you want to drift indicators, throw delicate dry flies to wary trout, or walk your favorite pond in search of a big largemouth, this 5wt can do it all. 

Don't forget we include a beautiful anodized aluminum reel seat that matches seamlessly with the reversed half wells grip. Not to mention, we went out of our way to include a .300" inner diameter cork grip. I know that might not sound impressive, but as you build more rods, the less amount of reaming the better. So, when most cork is .250" ID, we wanted to provide a little more room to help out our fellow builders that are just getting their feet wet. Also, as with all of our kits, we provide guide spacing to assure you are getting optimal performance from any of our rod kits. 

All-In-One Spinning Rod Kit

It is not a mere coincidence that the blank we use in the Casting All-In-One Kit is the same for this Spinning Kit. Mud Hole has created a line of blanks that marry sensitivity and durability not found anywhere else in rod building. If you are looking to give the gift of rod building, this is the kit! Everyone can always use a great, all-around spinning rod built to tackle your favorite neighborhood pond or out into the backcountry in search of redfish or spotted seatrout. 

With the versatility of this IS702M rod blank built as a custom spinning rod, it would be almost criminal not to make it a two-piece, destined for travel. As I mentioned above, the slim ferrule design keeps this blank light, strong and will never create flat-spots like multi-piece rods our elders had to endure. There is no reason you should ever venture out on a road trip without your new favorite custom spinning rod. 

The components feature an American Tackle Spinning Reel Seat along with full length EVA rear grip and matching foregrip,  and the ever-popular SSR Guide Set and matching tip top. 

More Than A Rod Kit

With our All-In-One Kits you get much more than just a rod kit. You receive everything you need to build your new favorite custom rod. From the Core Hand Wrapper to the RDS Rod Drying System and all the thread, epoxy, rod finish and tools, this kit is complete - and ready for a lifetime of rod building.

So take the first step into the world of custom rod building—a craft that offers not only the finest fishing rod you’ll ever hold but also lasting memories along the way. Be prepared to become the envy of your fishing buddies and join a worldwide community of passionate rod builders who are always ready to share knowledge and support.

Whether you're building rods for yourself, family, and friends or dreaming of turning this hobby into a business, rod building unlocks endless possibilities. Each rod you create is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, designed to meet an angler’s exact specifications and fine-tuned for the perfect technique to land more fish.

As you continue to grow in this craft, Mud Hole will be with you every step of the way. We have the most complete library of How-to videos, rod building books and helpful tips and tricks through our blogs, social media and Rod Building 101 videos that are always free to access 24/7. We are happy to have you and will always strive to provide the best products with top tier customer service! 

Let's start building! 


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