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Choosing the Right All-In-One Rod Kit
This one is exciting. The release of the latest All-In-One-Kits from Mud Hole. I know there might be a misconception that we just pile some stuff in a box and call it a kit, but that could not be f...
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Rod Recipes

Wintertime Crappie Fishing Rods
With winter gripping most of the northern part of the US, the Southern states are getting their first real cold fronts of the season. For some, that means fishing can come to a grinding halt, but f...

What We Are Building At Mud Hole
We get to see what you guys are building every day on the Mud Hole Live Rod Builder’s Facebook Group, but what kind of rods are our employees here at Mud Hole Building? Let’s dive into what builds...

As I write this it is fall in Florida. Well, maybe not temperature wise but the wind is blowing, and we are getting the first cold front of the year. For bass anglers, wind usually means one thing....